2020 – We Need Your Support

December 4, 2019

Once again we find ourselves in the closed period but are looking forward to the exhibition opening on the first Saturday in May which this year coincides with the 75th Anniversary commemorations of Peace in Europe at the end of the Second World War.  The LMHA will be involved in a number of ways in Cirencester’s commemorations.  

During the closed season there is little or no funding coming in other than from fees for talks given by members.   Applications have been made to grant making organisations, but in these difficult times grants are very hard to come by purely for voluntary organisation’s running costs.

The CDC does give community grants, however we have been told that we do not meet their criteria.  However, thanks to the good offices of the present CDC the proposed increase in the rent by the outgoing authority of a 105% ,  was not implemented, but we still have to find £3,600 for the rent alone.  The Cirencester Town Council recently gave a grant of £500 which will go part way to meet our next lease payment of  £915 to the CDC due at the end of this month. 

If there is anyone out there who would like to help us financially, donations made out to the LMHA can be sent to : 

The Living Memory Historical Association  44 Links View, Cirencester,  GL7 2NF.